Whether you are thinking to buy an existing child care or creating one from scratch here are somethings you need to know
- You must first choose a prospective location and survey the area to be certain there is a need for your service
- Check with the Zoning Department in your municipality to make sure that the area is zoned for “daycare” use.
- Download and review the Child Care and Early Years Act (CCEYA) and Child Care Licensing Manual to understand what is involved while you are licensed.
Do I Need a Child Care Licence?
The Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 (CCEYA) requires any premises that receives more than five children under the age of 13 years for temporary care and guidance in Ontario to be licensed by the Ministry of Education.
On average, it takes 4 months to transfer a child care centre as a share sale or home child care agency. However, to open a new licensed child care centre or home child care agency it can take more than a year. Time will vary depending on a number of factors, including;
Incorporating a corporation for a profit or non profit
Developing policies and procedures and a parent handbook
Obtaining all required approvals for Ministry of Education, Fire and Health departments plus building approvals
Renovations and/or construction
Obtaining a police records checks for Directors and Staff
Purchasing equipment, toys and materials
Hiring a supervisor;
Recruiting staff;
Recruiting home visitors and home child care providers; (if an home child care agency)
How Do I Apply for a Licensed Child Care Centre/Home Child Care Agency licence?
Operators across the GTA have relied on Daycare Consulting Services for help with this process. They’ve come to trust our services and our unwavering professionalism. If you’re in the process of looking to open daycare in Toronto or the GTA Daycare Consulting Services should be at the top of your list. Call us on 416-494-5898 and schedule an appointment to talk to us. We’ll be happy to answer all your questions so that you can make an informed decision.